The Body Code, which includes the Emotion and Belief Codes, is a tool that gives your subconscious mind the opportunity to reveal the underlying causes of ailments, both physical and emotional, creating your symptoms.
The Body Code can be thought of as a table of contents for the things your subconscious mind is tracking. Accessing the subconscious mind using muscle testing, is like tapping into a powerful computer that holds all the answers to our health, happiness and success. The symptoms you experience can be thought of as ‘check engine’ lights, alerting you that something is not right in your body.
To understand why the Body Code can be so effective you must understand about energy. Energy is the foundation of everything and without it nothing would exist.
We are beings of pure energy and we each have a specific vibration specific to us. Energies vibrate at different frequencies and make up each thing you see and touch. Each organ, system and part of your body has its own frequency, and so, when we experience pain etc it means that the frequency of that part of the body is not vibrating at the correct frequency so is out of balance. When you identify and remove the trapped emotions, negative beliefs and other imbalances interfering with the normal frequency , that area will naturally start to return to its normal state.
As everything is energy, making corrections on an energetic level will usually be quicker and more long lasting. Western medicine often ignores the emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives and just focuses on the physical. Energy healing takes the whole person into account. Viewing the body as separate from the mind is no longer possible as we now know that energy, emotions, experiences, trauma and our beliefs affect every cell of our bodies.
Our cells are constantly dying and being replaced. If we continue to hold on to distorted frequencies or imbalances, we will continue to recreate unhealthy cells. This may eventually manifest as disease.
To learn more about The Body Code read Dr Bradley Nelson’s book - The Body Code.